Legal Services

If a defendant violates a condition of community supervision (probation), only the judge may hear evidence and decide whether to impose any punishment. However, the judge must follow certain procedures before taking any action.
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In Texas, there are two common ways a person commits Aggravated Assault. The most common way a person commits aggravated assault is if the person assaults another and uses a exhibited a deadly weapon.
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A protective order is a court order signed by a judge that prohibits various forms of contact between individuals who are family members, household members, or individuals in current dating or former dating relationships.
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At Ramos Law, we have the prosecutorial experience and the trial experience to defend against any murder allegation. For two decades, I prepared and prosecuted murder cases as a prosecutor for the Bexar County District Attorney’s office. I have prosecuted individuals accused of murdering their spouse.
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One of the most devasting allegations, anyone can make against you is to call you a sex offender. These allegations can have a long-lasting effect on your life. In many circumstances, a person accused of a sexual offense is facing the possibility of a long prison sentence.
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Domestic violence allegations and adjudications can have significant consequences on your life. In Bexar County, if you are adjudicated or found guilty of a domestic violence offense, the judge is required to notate your judgement to reflect an “affirmative finding of family violence.”
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